International reply coupon : a coupon of monetary value that is sold and exchangeable for postage at post offices in member countries of the universal postal union 九国际回信邮票券:指万国邮政公约各会员国间相互约定,发售及兑换回信邮票之一种有价证券。
Article 36 those who counterfeit or alter postal identity cards , international reply coupons or other marks showing payment of postage with the intention of using them shall be subject to a prison term of six months to five years , or in addition thereto a maximum fine of nt $ 30 , 000 第36条意图供行使之用,而伪造、变造邮政认知证、国际回信邮票券或其他表示邮资已付符志者,处六月以上五年以下有期徒刑,得并科新台币三万元以下罚金。